Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Revel 2011

Oliver got to go to the Red River Revel twice this year.  The first time we decided to go was the first weekend it was open.  We had planned to get there when it might be a little less busy, but that didn't happen. It was packed and hot!!  There was no place to sit and enjoy anything and Oliver really doesn't like to chill in his stroller.  All this makes for a very unhappy trio; so we decided to take Oliver to the riverfront stage so he could stretch his legs and see the water.

He really enjoyed watching the waterfall, but he had no interest in touching the water.  He was doing so well and not running and THEN he happened to trip and fell face first right onto a huge rock!!  We freaked and Oliver immediately started to cry.  Jacob picked him up and the blood was running out of his mouth.  We were so worried that he had really hurt himself!!

He stopped crying pretty quickly, but would not let us look in his mouth.  We decided that we were definitely done for the day and headed back to the car.  When we got to the car we managed to check us mouth for a split second.  He wasn't missing any teeth and appeared to only have busted his lip really bad.

These are the pictures before the BIG fall....

 When he woke up the next morning his mouth was swollen and he had a cut on the outside of his mouth!! The swelling was gone by the following morning.  The first of many bumps and bruises for a BOY!

For our second trip to the Revel we decided to take a half a day off from work and go during the week.  We picked Oliver up from school early and headed to the Revel during the "quiet hours".

First we stopped by the Lacrosse booth to say hi and then settled in with some yummy nachos.  Oliver nibbled on some chips and wandered around being silly.

Then we decided to go back down to the kids area before it got to crowded.  I was excited for Oliver to go "grocery shopping" at Brookshires!!  That was always my very favorite thing to do at the Revel.  Its like a mini SuperMarket Sweep!!! (loved that show)

He did really well with picking stuff up and throwing it in his buggy.  He also liked to try and bring me some of his items too.  It was so cute and then he just decided he was done and ran to me and left Jacob to "checkout"!

We hung out for a little bit longer but then it began to get hot and crowded again and Oliver was getting fussy.  So we decided that the Revel 2011 was over for the Doyle's.

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