Sunday, July 15, 2012

Playtime with Oliver and Jaxon

A while back Oliver went to his Great grandparents to visit and help in the garden.  Of course while he is there it is a must that he rides on and plays on the gator.  Jaxon also happened to be there so Oliver quickly showed him just how much fun the gator can be.

 He always has to try and turn it on

 How cute are they!!

Later Gator!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Potty ALERT!!

Tonight was the very first night that Oliver actually told us he needed to potty and he did!!! WOOHOO!!

He seemed so interested in the potty at first and then seemed to lose interest shortly after we got his potty chair.  So I was super excited when he asked to go to the potty all by himself tonight!  Lets hope it continues!!

After he finished he decided that he didn't want to get up and he kept saying he still had to potty.  (I think he was just trying to avoid going to bed)  I finally told him he had to get up and he told us he wanted to pray!!  He folded his hands and bowed his head on the potty while Jacob said a prayer and I tried to hold in my laughter.  Sometimes he can be so darn cute!!


Telling him how proud I am of him!!

Moving on up!

For the past year Oliver has been in the Baby and Me class at The Swim School.  A couple of months ago we were told that Oliver was going to be moved up to the next class, and that we should try to prepare him for the change.  Ha...ok!

The major changes in moving up to the next class are that Jacob will no longer be in the pool with him and that he will have to sit on his turtle and wait for his teacher to come and get him.  Also changing classes meant that we had to change the day and time we come.  That can limit us when we both work, so we picked Saturday mornings.

Well it has been two weeks and lets just say we are still adjusting.  His teacher said that he is doing well, but it is hard to see he crying and upset when this should be a fun thing.

Poor thing was shaking he was so cold!

He does really well sitting on his turtle and I think it will just take some time to get comfortable with his teacher.  I on the other hand am having issues of my own with the way the new class works, but I am trying to stay positive and give it time!

 I can't believe it has been a year since we started swim lessons.  He has learned so much and I am so very proud of my big boy!