Monday, August 29, 2011

The BIG Day! was the day!!  I couldn't believe it was actually here.  I was so nervous about how he would act when we walked into the classroom and what he would think when we walked out the door and left him with strangers. I got everything ready for him to take to "school" the night before.

 Ollie's treats for his teachers, nap mat, and backpack

Jacob and I got up, got dressed, and got Ollie's breakfast ready.  When I went to get him out of bed he was already up and starting talking a mile a minute as soon as he saw me.  I sat on the couch and cuddled with him while he drank his milk....I was soaking up EVERY minute!!  He was so sweet.  

While he was eating his breakfast he was being so adorable...

 Oh how I LOVE that face!!!

Dressed and ready to go...

Family photo shoot before we left the house

On the way to school Ollie had to play with my phone...
it's amazing what he can do with that phone!

On the way to there my stomach was in knots and I told Jacob that maybe we could just turn around and take him back to his Gammy's!!  It was such an intense car ride filled with so much emotion, but we finally made it there.

We were the first ones to arrive in his class.  His sweet teacher greeted him but he wasn't too interested.  I walked over to find his cubby and sat him down and that was all it took!!  He spotted all those toys and was in Heaven!!

Checking everything out

Making himself at home!!

Not too long after we got there a little girl arrived and she was not too excited about anything.  As soon as her parents left she started screaming!!  The teacher was trying to hold her and make her happy, but I was worried that it was going to freak Ollie out.  I told him to go and give her a toy and he tried but was not successful...Ha!  I didn't want to leave with the little girl still screaming because the teacher was having to give her all the attention, but we decided that we should probably leave....I guess we couldn't stay forever!

One last pic with Mom...

I didn't want to leave with the little girl still screaming because the teacher was having to give her all the attention, but we decided that we should probably leave....I guess we couldn't stay forever!

We watched outside the room through the window.  Ollie was just standing there watching the teacher try to calm the little girl down, and finally after about 2 or 3 minutes she finally stopped crying.  We watched for a few more minutes with no major meltdowns from Ollie...or me, and then we left.
He is standing behind the the middle of the shelf

I was off today so I went and picked him up after nap.  This week will be mostly half days for him so we can try to get him used to his new surroundings in small doses before we leave him there all day.  I watched him play for a few minutes through the window.  He was so cute gathering up stuffed animals and going to sit at the table.  

When I walked in and he saw me he was super excited.  He ran over to me and gave me a big hug.  There were about 6 or 7 kids there and all 3 of the teachers.  The teacher said that he had a good 1st day and slept for about 2 hours.  I did notice that a couple of the kids had snotty noses....Oliver has never been sick and never had a snotty nose!!!  I don't know if I am ready for that part!  I was so glad that he seemed to have a good day and I hope that he loves his new "school"!!


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