Friday, November 18, 2011

Halloween Wrap Up

I know it is long over due but here are the fun things Oliver was up to during Halloween 2011!!

First up was his 1st Fall Festival at "school".  Oliver was very excited to get to try out his Trick or Treat bag.

 So adorable!!

 They had a bunch of different games set up outside for all the kids to play and collect goodies.  Oliver did very well with most of them and was really good at picking prizes and filling up his bag!

Getting a ghost stamp which was quickly wiped off because it was just a big white blob of paint!

 Bean Bag Toss

 Oliver picked out the biggest toy they had!!

Time for bowling...

More fun games...

Oliver was so happy that his Gammy could come play too! 

 Trying to get a good picture with Mommy

 Pin the tail on the cat!
He really liked that game.

Checking out all the goodies he got...

 After they played all the games we went back into their classroom for a fun Halloween lunch.  I made the sandwiches for the class and used a pumpkin cookie cut to make them extra cute!

It was so much fun to visit him at "school"!  It wasn't fun when all the parents tried to leave.  This was the first time all the parents have come to visit them during the day and they are at the age where they don't understand why you would drop them off that morning and then come back just to visit and leave again!!! They think that when they see you they are going home.  So we left one by one and tried to not look back!  I am so glad that my job allows me to leave and participate in Oliver's "school" functions!!  I can't imagine having to miss those precious moments!!

Oliver's SPOOKtacular gifts for his sweet teachers!
 Jars filled with yummy fall colored munchies.
(found on pinterest)

 They also each got cute soaps from Bath and Body Works
(soap idea came from eighteen25 blog)

 Cute tags I made for the bags

 Ready for delivery!!

 We also got to go to our first Trunk or Treat at the Church where Jacob's Aunt attends.  Everyone lines up their cars and opens the trunk.  Their trunks are all decorated and the kids collect candy as they go by.  It is safe way for kids to enjoy Trick or Treating.    They also had a movie playing on a big screen outside and they had hotdogs to eat!

All the kids wore their costumes, but we let Oliver stay in his Halloween outfit.  He really enjoyed looking at all the decorated cars and watching all the kids run around.

 We all had so much fun and hope to do it again next year!

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