Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Sad Farewell

I still remember the day that we got Kingston like it was yesterday.  Jacob wanted a boy and the biggest boy of the litter.  As we looked at all the puppies Jacob pointed to the biggest and said that one...HE is the one...only he was a she.  She was beautiful and quickly became very fond of Jacob.

Then one year later we thought that Kingston needed a friend.  We found Boudreaux at Petsmart.  He was such loving dog and HYPER.  He loved to run and run and RUN.  He killed five squirrels that we know of.  He always had to be right in your lap with his paw on your chest/face.

When we got Kingston and Boudreaux we planned on a lifetime commitment.  We never thought the day would come that they would have a new home.  We truly LOVED them both.  I sit here sobbing as I type this  trying to find comfort in knowing that we did what was best for our family and both of them.

Over the past few months some things happened and as of last Wednesday Jacob and I made the decision to find Kingston and Boudreaux a new home.  We didn't tell ANYONE...we didn't want anyone to talk us out of it or feel obligated to take them.  We knew that this was not going to be an easy task and realized that separating them was inevitable.

So we prayed and prayed that everything would work out.  Yesterday Jacob came home from work and said that he had found a HOME for BOTH dogs TOGETHER!!!!  I couldn't believe it!!  How could that be??  He said that he was asking everyone he saw.  Jacobs grandfathers friend said that his friend had acres and acres AND ACRES of land and that he was looking for a dog.  So they called him and he agreed to take them both!!!!!!!!!

So today at lunch I went and got them two new tags with just their names on them.  I thought they should have them.  Jacob got off work early to take them to their new home in Mansfield.  I picked Ollie up and got home to a quiet house.  I stood at the sliding glass doors holding Ollie and crying like goofball.  I couldn't believe that their faces weren't pressed against the glass.

When Jacob got home he said that it was a beautiful place they had with a couple of ponds, a barn and endless acres.  He said that they are allowed inside and that they have a large screened in porch with dog beds.  They also have an older golden retriever.  The mans wife is always home too and Jacob said she really liked Boudreaux.  Boudreaux was already making "friends" with the ducks in one of the ponds.  He said that they seemed very happy running and running and that by the time Jacob left they were worn out and had collapsed on the porch.  I guess it doesn't get much better than that.

We could not have gotten any luckier with the outcome.  We truly meant for Kingston and Boudreaux to be lifetime commitments!  We have so much sadness in our hearts right now but we hope that with time it will get better.  We can only hope and pray that everyone will understand and accept our decision.  We will always love them and remember the love they showed us...

In our hearts forever!!

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