Monday, January 17, 2011

Ollie and The Doctors

So I am beginning to think that the Dr.s and nurses will soon know us by name.  I learning very quickly that having a child with sensitive skin is no fun.  The past couple of weeks Oliver cheeks and bottom seemed to always be red, his eczema was getting out of control and I thought that he had gotten an infection on the one spot of cradle cap that has never seemed to go away.  After trying to figure out on our own what might be causing all of the reactions I  made an appointment with Dr. Haynes.

Last Tuesday we went to see Dr. Haynes.  She confirmed that it looked like he had developed a secondary infection on the back of his head.  So for that we were given a prescription for amoxocilin, (mmm...remember that yummy pink goodness?) bactroban cream and ketoconazole shampoo....puh....are ya'll keeping track??  Next she checked out his eczema spots on the back of his knees and told me to go buy a tub a cetaphil and lather him up all the time.  She also told me to give him liquid Claritin at night.  Then she said "IT"....I think it maybe time to go see the ALLERGIST!!  Although I am terrified about what they will do to my sweet boy I know that finding out now what he is allergic to will be a good thing.  I do not like playing the guessing game!! So we have an appointment with Dr. Whited next Friday!!  WISH US LUCK AND KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS!!

After our visit with Dr. Haynes there has been a lot of discussion about our Zoo.  If it turns out that removing the animals from our house will help Oliver's allergies then that is what we will do.  I think it will be so hard to find GOOD homes for ALL of them. We will wait to make a final decision after we see Dr. Whited.  I hate the thought of having to find new homes for our animals but I am going to do whatever it takes to keep Oliver as healthy as he can be. So for now we wait...

The next Dr.s visit came this past Thursday when we finally got to go see Dr. Brown, the peds surgeon, about his growth on his belly button.  I was a little worried about this visit even though Dr. Haynes was fairly certain that it was nothing to be worried about.  Dr. Brown told us that he too thought that it was nothing to be concerned about and that if we wanted to have it removed he recommended that we wait until after his first birthday.  Waiting until after his first birthday would be safer for him and give us more time to find out what he is allergic to.  Dr. Brown also said that he could feel a very very small umbilical hernia under his belly button.  He said that the hernias almost always heal on their own which is another good reason to wait until after his first birthday.

So now you are up to date with Ollie and his for the MILESTONE of the week....

Ollie finally rolled from his back to his belly all by himself!!!!  I was off work today and during his morning nap I was trying to do some cleaning and about an hour and a half into his nap I noticed that he was up.  Ollie is very good when he wakes up he never cries (unless you keep him waiting too long) he just plays until you come and get him.  So I kept an eye an him in the monitor while I finished what I was doing.  Just about the time I was going to go and get him I glanced back at the monitor and noticed that he was trying to grab his pacifier which was just slightly out of his reach.  As I watched him struggle to try to get it without rolling over he finally gave in and ROLLED right over onto his belly!!!! I was so proud and I called Jacob to tell him.  He actually stayed on his belly for about 5 mins before he finally rolled back onto his back.  I knew he could do it he is just stubborn and wanted to do it on his own time!!

We are also working on holding our own bottle and making some progress...sometimes...

My little BIG boy!!

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