Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ollie Lately and the Weigh In


It's time for another edition of Ollie Lately.  My sweet little Oliver is 11 months old...CRAZY!!  I am scrambling trying to plan a great birthday party for close friends and family to come and CELEBRATE a wonderful year with Oliver!

His personality is shining more and more everyday.  Here are a few things Ollie has been up to...

--He is fascinated with doors right now.  He loves to swing them back and forth.

--He is starting to bite me when he is mad.  I am trying to correct this before daycare....I don't want to be "that" mom with "that" kid who left teeth marks in their precious child! Ha

--He is eating really well and still not showing any signs of being a picky eater...yet!  Right now he is LOVING  english muffins, bananas and peas.

--Ollie really likes music.  It is the cutest thing to watch him rock back and forth when he hears music.  He is loving his Praise Baby dvds.

--He has officially entered the you have to be in my eyesight at all times phase.  If he realizes he can't see you he will find you!!

--Oliver loves being outside.  We let him sit in the grass and play with the leaves and watch the birds.  He is usually pretty good and doesn't try to eat the leaves or grass.

--Every time a car drives by he immediately starts waving at them...IT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!!

--He is babbling more and more all the time and tries to carry on his own little conversation with you.

--Oliver still and probably even more today HATES GETTING HIS CLOTHES AND DIAPER CHANGED...I mean HATES!!  I don't know what happened to the Oliver who would let you do anything to him but that changed around 6 months and hasn't gotten better.

--Bath time is becoming a little bit of a challenge.  He still loves the bath but now that he can move around and stand up he of course wants to do that in the bathtub.  We are working on staying seated!

--His foot measures a size 4 and of course he is still tiny so he can wear clothes ranging from size 6 to 12 depending on the brand.

--HE IS A DADDY'S BOY!!  Last weekend he melted his Dads heart.  Jacob was leaving to run to the store and every time we leave we tell Ollie bye bye and wave.  As Jacob walked out of the door Oliver said bye bye in the clearest voice.  Of course Jacob heard and had to stop and come back around the door and as soon as he did Ollie said bye bye dada bye bye.  Jacob teared up and went to grab him and pick him up.  That child LOVES his Dad!!


On our last Well Baby Check Dr. Haynes said that she wanted to see Ollie have a growth spurt by his One Year check up.  She said that I could bring him in to be weighed at anytime if I was concerned about his weight.  He eats very well but over the last few weeks I just didn't think that he was gaining any significant amount of weight.  I was fairly certain that he was not losing weight so I had  not been too concerned.  In the back of my mind I kept thinking that Dr. Haynes had said she hoped to see him have a growth spurt and now that we are nearing that next appointment I decided to go and have him weighed.

I took him by Dr. Haynes's office early Tuesday morning for the big weigh in.  On our last visit Oliver weighed 16.5 and this time he weighed 17.6.  So just as I suspected there had been no major weight gain but no loss either.

The nurse said she would leave his file out for Dr. Haynes to review and that they would call me to let me know what to do next.  Later that day the nurse called back to say that the Dr. wanted me to give Ollie one can of Pedisure a day and that I could add ice cream to it and make it a shake.

Woohoo we had a plan to put some lbs on our little Oliver or NOT........... Pedisure has SOY in it!!!!!!!! Thank goodness we would think that would and should be in his file!!! So now we wait AGAIN for the next "bright idea"!!

As long as he is healthy and not losing weight or not eating I am perfectly happy with him being my "little Ollie"!

Fun with Ollie and the stocking cap...Ha!

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